- Cinder storage_availability_zone = nova
- Heat
1:Install sahara into a virtual environment
$sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-virtualenv python-dev
$ virtualenv sahara-venv
$ sahara-venv/bin/pip install 'http://tarballs.openstack.org/sahara/sahara-stable-kilo.tar.gz'
$ mkdir sahara-venv/etc
$ cp sahara-venv/share/sahara/sahara.conf.sample-basic sahara-venv/etc/sahara.conf
2:install local mysql for sahara
3: Sahara Configuration sahara.conf
4: Policy configuration
cat sahara-venv/etc/policy.json
"default": ""
By default sahara will search for a policy.json file in the same directory as the configuration file.
5: Create the database schema
$ sahara-venv/bin/sahara-db-manage --config-file sahara-venv/etc/sahara.conf upgrade head
6: start sahara
$ sahara-venv/bin/sahara-all --config-file sahara-venv/etc/sahara.conf
7: register sahara in the Identity service catalog
$openstack service create --name sahara --description "Sahara Data Processing" data-processing
$openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne \
--publicurl "" \
--adminurl "" \
--internalurl ""\
8:Building Images for sahara Plugin
As of now the sahara plugin works with images with pre-installed versions of Apache Hadoop. To simplify the task of building such images we use Disk Image Builder
Clone repository “https://github.com/openstack/sahara-image-elements” locally( sudo bash diskimage-create.sh -h )
tox -e venv -- sahara-image-create -i [ubuntu|fedora|centos]