Sunday, October 25, 2015

cinder's back-end LVM driver

Create the LVM physical volume /dev/sdb1:
# pvcreate /dev/sdb1
Physical volume "/dev/sdb1" successfully created

Create the LVM volume group cinder-volumes:
# vgcreate cinder-volumes /dev/sdb1
Volume group "cinder-volumes" successfully created
show the physical volume

Only instances can access Block Storage volumes. However, the underlying operating
system manages the devices associated with the volumes. By default, the LVM volume
scanning tool scans the /dev directory for block storage devices that contain volumes.
If projects use LVM on their volumes, the scanning tool detects these volumes and attempts
to cache them which can cause a variety of problems with both the underlying
operating system and project volumes. You must reconfigure LVM to scan only
the devices that contain the cinder-volume volume group. Edit the /etc/lvm/
lvm.conf file and complete the following actions

In the devices section, add a filter that accepts the /dev/sdb device and rejects
all other devices:
devices {
filter = [ "a/sdb/", "r/.*/"]
Each item in the filter array begins with a for accept or r for reject and includes a
regular expression for the device name. The array must end with r/.*/ to reject
any remaining devices. You can use the vgs -vvvv command to test filters

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